Roc Vannin Choir perform at a variety of events across the Isle of Man, including well known annual events such as the Royal Agricultural Show, TT Grandstand and Ramsey's Christmas Lights Switch On.
We also perform at a number of charity events and are available for private functions and parties.
Find out about upcoming performances in our events list below:
Nov 19, 2020
Douglas Christmas Lights Switch On
Oooh!!! We're all excited!!!
Our first Christmas Lights Switch On event of 2020 - and it's in the great Metropolis!!!
Roc Vannin will be bringing a musically festive feel to the event with a host of Rockin' Christmas Tunes from 6.30pm!
So polish off your jingle bells saddle up Rudolf and come on down and join in the fun and spectacle of The Greatest Show in Douglas!!
Nov 21, 2020
Ramsey Christmas Light Switch On
We are travelling to Ramsey for their Christmas Light Switch on organised by Ramsey Town Commissioners. We are singing at 15:50 at The Courthouse, however, there are lots of different things to do...
Nov 28, 2020
Peel Christmas Light Switch On
Come and join us singing Christmas songs in Peel for their Christmas Light Switch on. We will be singing from 1615 and will be there with our charity bucket for the wonderful RNLI this year - please give generously
Dec 04, 2020
Roc Vannin Rocks Christmas
Come along for our evening of concert, carols and canapés! All proceeds to RNLI and Church Funds.
Tickets £10 to include food and a glass of fizz! Available from parish office 675797, Carey 466399, Tricia 472731, or St. Peter’s Facebook page.
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